Oleg Lipatov, head of the Investigation Department of Insurance for the " Yaroslavl region. .
Topic: Press Releases
Author of publication: Viktoria Sotscova
Posted on: 05/04/2013 14:12
Oleg Lipatov, head of the Investigation Department ofInsurance for the " Yaroslavl region. I reported for the quarter
4/5/13 press-conference the head of the InvestigationDepartment of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in the"Yaroslavl region Oleg Lipatov.
There was a report of a three-month 2013, were answered in the course of investigation of some high-profile cases.
Give the analyst causes of crimes, according toLipatov, not a matter of his department. Conclusions should do society.
Material provided by thepress service of the UK nuclear weapons:
Quantitative indicators ofSU TFR in the " Yaroslavl region in three-month 2013
Accepted for proceedings 388 criminal cases, 59 ofthem - in the minors. 158 to the court of criminal cases, including 19 cases ofcrimes committed by juveniles.
Accepted for proceedings 20 criminal cases on crimesof corruption, including to the court of the seven cases.
Also decided to manufacture seven criminal cases oneconomic crimes. Of them to the court one criminal case.
Filed 25 criminal cases on crimes committed againstminors. As part of the investigation of criminal cases these victims found 55minors. In particular, three minors, were killed by criminal assault (art galleryfor crimes under Articles 105 and 106 of the Criminal Code, Part 4 of art 111of the Criminal Code - the murder, the murder of the mother of a newborn baby,the intentional infliction of serious bodily injury, resulting in thenegligence in the death of the victim), against 22 minors committed sexualassault (Article 132 of the Criminal Code), for the 4 - offenses under Articles134 and 135 of the Criminal Code (sexual intercourse and other sexual acts witha person under the age of 16, indecent assault). The remaining juvenilesrecognized as victims in criminal cases of embezzlement (theft, robbery androbbery).
Age of child victims: 1 year - two of the victims,from 5 to 10 years - 11 victims, from 10 to 14 years - 23 victims, from 14 to18 years - 19 victims.
Criminal investigations ofcrimes of corruption, malfeasance
1. In the production department on the second majorcase investigation SU TFR in the " Yaroslavl region is a criminal case againstnine local residents, including two lawyers.
They are charged withfraudulently obtaining grants for the development of a business in accordancewith the regional target program of business support. Thus, in 2009-2010 forgeddocuments they obtained a grant of $ 4 250 000 rubles each, and in 2011-2012 -2 grants of $ 1 million 200 thousand rubles each. The initiators of crime is anattorney, they also forged documents.
Everyone involved in thecase charged with six episodes of crimes under Part 2 and 4 tbsp. 159 of theCriminal Code (fraud committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy andfraud committed by a group of persons by prior agreement, on a large scale).SUSPECTS a preventive measure in the form of subscriptions on parole and goodthe behavior. Investigative steps are completed, the procedure is accused and theircounsel with the case file, which consists of 88 volumes.
2. Investigation Unit to Zavolzhskiy District of"Yaroslavl SU TFR in the " Yaroslavl region criminal case against deputy chief ofPKU IR-1 FPS Russia in the region. He is suspected of committing state two episodesof an offense under Part 3 of art 290 of the Criminal Code (bribery) and twoepisodes of the crime under part 1 of article. 286 of the Criminal Code (abuseof power).
According to theinvestigation, in December 2012, the suspect for a cash consideration of $ 6thousand, resulting from the investigation are unknown, gave convicted itemsprohibited for use cell phones and chargers for them. In January 2013, hecommitted the same wrongful act for a cash consideration of $ 10 thousand.During the search of the suspect in a private office and in the car found 90more cell phones.
In the near futurehe will be charged.
3. Investigation Unit to Zavolzhskiy District of"Yaroslavl SU TFR in the " Yaroslavl region continues investigation of thecriminal case against a senior police commissioner of police department"Zavolzhsky" MOI of Russia for the city of " Yaroslavl, suspected ofabuse of power (Part 1 of art 286 of the Criminal Code) and system of a bribe(Part 3 of art 30, "b" of part 5 of art 290 of the Criminal Code).
According to theinvestigation, in August 2012 a police officer illegally from the citizens of theRepublic of Tajikistan passport and migration card and kept the documents,offering to return them for a fee of 4000 rubles.
Currently underinvestigations, scheduled arraignment.
4. By Uglich orphanage conducted investigations.Soon the former director of the MOU "Uglich orphanage" Natalino Tihontsevoyfinal charge will be charged.
5. The first department for the investigation ofparticularly important cases SU TFR in the " Yaroslavl region have completed theinvestigation of the criminal case against five police officers accused ofcommitting state an offense under paragraph "a" Part 3 of art 286 of theCriminal Code (abuse of power).
According to thematerials of the criminal case, in June 2012, morning 47-year-old resident ofthe city of " Yaroslavl, located in the courtyard of one of the houses on theVolodarsky street city of " Yaroslavl, being drunk, came into conflict with theemployee security company, in which men are mutually applied a traumaticweapon. Arrived on the scene of the regional outfit IOHE AMIA will. Police officersbrought the man in the police department "Central". In the duty of,and then the camera in the room for detained police beat a man. The victimrequired emergency medical care, for which he was admitted to the hospital andafter examination - delivered to the " Yaroslavl regional clinical drug treatmenthospital for a medical examination for alcohol, and then again in the policedepartment of the "Central" for a record of attracting toadministrative responsibility. On the way to the department, police officersescorting the victim again inflicted multiple punches to the head and the body.In the evening, a man was released. According to the medical forensicexamination, injury, and found the victim, there were no less than 67 impacts witha blunt hard object. Mens health has suffered slight damage.
Investigative activities completed. In the nearfuture the accused to stand trial. Guilty to a crime they did not recognize.
6. Uglich interdistrict investigative unit SUTFR in the " Yaroslavl region continues a criminal investigation against thechief engineer of the state inspector oversight of the technical state ofself-propelled machines and other equipment for the municipal district ofUglich, suspected of committing state the ten episodes of an offense under Part 1 ofArt 292 of the Criminal Code (forgery).
According to thematerials of the criminal case, during the period from July to August 2012 thesuspect, is at work in the town of Uglich, wanting to artificially improve theperformance of their professional activities, attracting drivers toadministrative liability under art. 09.03 of the Administrative Code (violationof rules or standards of operation of tractors, self-propelled, roadconstruction and other machinery and equipment) for administrative offenses,which they actually did not commit.
Currently underinvestigations, scheduled and executed handwriting examination, interrogations,is scheduled arraignment.
Criminal investigations ofcrimescommitted by juveniles, and juvenile
1. Investigation department of the city Pereslavl SUTFR in the " Yaroslavl region have completed the investigation of the criminalcase against the 21-year-old local resident. He is accused of committing state threeepisodes of an offense under Part 3 of art 134 of the Criminal Code (sexualintercourse and other sexual acts with a person under fourteen years of age)and the offense under Part 2 of art 135 of the Criminal Code (sexual abuse).
According to the materials of thecriminal case, during the period from June 2012 to January 2013, accused ofbeing in a town Pereslavl region, repeatedly having sex with his 12 year oldthe friend.
At present the accused incustody. Criminal case with confirmation of an indictment to the court forconsideration on the merits.
2. Investigation department for Dzerzhinsky districtof " Yaroslavl SU TFR in the " Yaroslavl region charged the 44-year-old local man withan offense under subsection "b" of Part 4 of art 132 of the CriminalCode (sexual assault).
According to theinvestigation, in January 2013, a man, was visiting with his friend in theDzerzhinsk region of " Yaroslavl drink alcohol. When the owner of the apartmentwas distracted, the accused entered the room to his 10-year-old stepdaughterand committed against a child sexual assault. However, he squeezed the victimsneck with his hands. The illegal actions of the accused were cut stepfather,who had heard the girl scream.
The investigation is actuallycompleted. In the near future, the criminal case will be sent to the prosecutorfor allegations of the indictment and subsequent transfer to the court forconsideration on the merits. The defendant is being held.
3. Rostov interdistrict investigative unit SU TFR inthe " Yaroslavl region continues a criminal investigation into the death of achild in the car first aid (Part 1 of art 109 of the Criminal Code, causingdeath by negligence). In a crime is suspected employee hospital "Boris andCRH."
According to the investigation,November 24, 2012 en route to ambulances for transportation of the childrensBorisoglebskaya CRH regional hospital in " Yaroslavl died three year old boy. Thecause of death was sepsis and endotoxic shock.
Symptoms of the disease werediscovered the morning of 24 November 2012, the disease occurred transiently.Measures for child delivered from location to a hospital, "Boris andCRH" were taken over an extended period of time - over 10 hours of thethe discovery of the disease, when the child is in the hospital, he was notreceiving adequate medical care. The doctor on duty was at work in a state ofintoxication. After seeing the boy he did not take action for its immediatehospitalization and a treatment is not called for an examination of apediatrician, and put the wrong diagnosis, accompanying the child duringtransport to the city of " Yaroslavl, produced no immediate medical measures.
Now for the complete forensicexamination to establish the causal link between the actions (or inaction) ofthe doctor and the ensuing death of the child.
4. Investigation department of the city of Rybinsk SUTFR in the " Yaroslavl region continues a criminal investigation into thethe discovery of one of the houses on the street Tselinnaya Rybinsk body of anewborn girl with multiple stab wounds to the chest on the left. At the sceneas the body was found 31-year-old mother of the dead child. A criminal casewas opened on the grounds of a crime under art 106 of the Criminal Code(murder of the mother of a newborn baby).
According to the investigators, a womanwho was in the street, gave birth to a living female child, then struck thebaby banging scissors in the chest. From the injuries girl died at the scene.The childs mother died from hypothermia after a short time.
The woman and her husband raised twochildren. Now set all the circumstances of the incident. Assigned and performedforensic, medical and forensic examinations, molecular-genetic, fingerprinting,and forensic examination of evidence and the post-mortem forensic psychiatricexamination of the dead woman.
5. February 17, 2013 in the morning inpublic health " Yaroslavl Region "Regional Specialized Orphanage № 1"was found dead two months of the boy. According to the findings mortem examinations,the cause of the childs death was bilateral pneumonia. In this incidentinvestigation department for the city of " Yaroslavl region zavolzhskiye SU TFRin the " Yaroslavl region opened a criminal case on the grounds of an offenseunder Part 2 of Art. 109 of the Criminal Code (causing death by negligence).
At present,the Department of difficult examinations of the regional bureau of forensicmedical examinations a forensic medical examination to determine the adequacyand timeliness of care the child during the period of his in a health facility,the correct diagnosis, and the presence or absence of a causal link betweenactions of medical personnel and the death of the boy.
6. The first department for theinvestigation of particularly important cases SU TFR in the " Yaroslavl regionGraphics Molodtsova charged with three episodes of an offense under Part 1 ofArt 242.1 of the Criminal Code (possession for distribution of materials withpornographic images of minors) and five episodes offense under subsection"d" of Part 2 of art 242.1 of the Criminal Code (distribution ofmaterials with pornographic images of minors, the use of mass media).
According tothe materials of the criminal case, in the period from January 2011 to March2012, the accused, while in his office, in person, through online resourcesfound, copied and preserved in order to spread the hard disk video files withaudio-visual material with pornographic content involving minors. In the periodfrom June to October 2012 he was deliberately spread in "Internet"video files containing pornographic images of minors.
Currentlyinvestigative activities completed. The procedure is performed accused and hiscounsel from the case file.
7. Investigation department of theKirov district of " Yaroslavl SU TFR in the " Yaroslavl region criminal caseagainst two residents of 16 and 17 years of age. They are suspected ofcommitting state a crime under the "b" part 3, article. 146 of the CriminalCode (illegal use of copyright committed on a large scale, a group of personsby prior agreement).
According to theinvestigation, in March 2012, the day the 17-year-old suspect, while in the city of"Yaroslavl, gave his 16-year-old accomplice for resale illegally obtainedoptical drives counterfeit computer programs that boy on the same day came topass in the course of operational-search event "test purchase" apolice officer at 5500 rubles. Unlawful acts alleged holders material damageamounting to over 120 thousand rubles.
Currently underinvestigation is conducted technical examination of the disks that have beenanalyze, to determine signs of counterfeit. After receiving the results of theexamination by the investigator a will decide on the charges.
Other categories of crimes
1. Investigation department for Dzerzhinskydistrict of " Yaroslavl SU TFR in the " Yaroslavl region opened a criminal caseagainst a 65-year-old local man suspected of committing state an offense under Part 2of art 318 of the Criminal Code (violence against a government official).
According to investigators, February23, 2013 in the evening the suspect, being drunk, after a family and communityconflict was brought to the police department "Dzerzhinsky". Being inthe duty of the man paid the duty blow to the face paint brush that had notbeen cleaned after repairs made in the department. Police officer sufferedlight injury.
Conducts investigations, set all thecircumstances of the incident.
2. Rostov interdistrict investigative unit SU TFR inthe " Yaroslavl region continues a criminal investigation into the killing ofthe 77-year-old resident of the village Voschazhnikovo Sts area. Charged with anoffense under subsection "c" of Part 2 of art 105 of the Criminal Code(murder committed by a group of persons by prior agreement, to conceal anothercrime), faces a 40-year old local man and his brother, a 48-year-old resident ofthe Ivanovo region. The defendants had previously prosecuted for embezzlement.
According to the investigators,the victim lived in the house alone. In the night from 14 to 15 March 2013 theaccused to commit the theft of anothers property entered the house.Threatening the victim of violence, they openly stole her property worth about2500 rubles, after which an elderly woman was strangled and burned the house.
Currently underinvestigation and search operations aimed at the establishment of otherepisodes of criminal activity of the accused.
3. Also on the stage of completion of theinvestigation is a criminal case against a 49-year-old homeless man, a native ofthe city of Astrakhan, Rostov whom interdistrict investigative unit SU TFR inthe " Yaroslavl region charged with an offense under subsection "a" ofPart 2 of Art. 105 of the Criminal Code (murder of two persons), "c"Part 2 of art 158 of the Criminal Code (theft), Part 2 of art 325 of theCriminal Code (kidnapping of a citizen passport).
According tothe materials of the criminal case, the accused was living in a private housein the village of Sts Borisoglebskoe district " Yaroslavl region in an elderlycouple, helping with household chores. One day in the period from 25 to 28September 2012 at the attacker initiated them quarrel struck the victimmultiple blows is going to the head with an ax. From the injuries elderly died at thethe scene. After the murder suspect stole the property and documents ofpensioners, and then fled the scene.
In thenear future, the criminal case will be sent to the prosecutor for allegationsof the indictment and transfer to the court for trial.
4. Former police investigationdepartment Sergei Rodionov (charged with a crime under Part 4 of art 264 of theCriminal Code (violation of a person driving a car, rules of the road in astate of intoxication, resulting in the death of a person). The criminal caseis in the production of the second department to investigate major caseinvestigation department of TFR in the " Yaroslavl region.
According to thematerials of the criminal case, in October 2012 in the evening Rodionov (, beingintoxicated while driving a VAZ-21101, moved with excessive speed on thefederal highway "Kholmogory" toward the town of Rostov. Failing toprovide the necessary distance to the vehicle ahead of him in the samedirection of VAZ-21093 under the 56-year resident of the area and did not taketimely action to brake, and he made a collision with the said motor vehicle. Frominjuries driver of VAZ-21093 died.
Currently, the defendant metwith the case materials. After the procedure, familiarize criminal case will besent to the prosecutor for allegations of the indictment and subsequenttransfer to the court for consideration on the merits.
5. In the production of theinvestigative department of the city of Rybinsk SU TFR in the " Yaroslavl regionis a criminal investigation into the accident that occurred on January 27, 2013in the morning near the village Rybinsk October municipal district, whichkilled 26-year-old chief of the Criminal Investigation Department of theInterior Ministry in the " Yaroslavl region . A criminal case was opened on thegrounds of an offense under Part 1 of art 264 of the Criminal Code (violationof traffic rules negligently caused serious harm to human health).
According to theinvestigation, a police officer, following in a car «Suzuki Vitara», at the siteof the 66th kilometer of Rybinsk " Yaroslavl, produced a collision with oncomingcar «FIAT Ducato» under the 49-year resident of the city of Vladimir. As aresult of the accident the police officer was killed, 25-year-old passenger of«Suzuki Vitara», the driver and the 48-year-old passenger of «FIAT Ducato» withinjuries of varying severity were taken to hospital.
Now set all thecircumstances of the incident.
6. Investigation department of the Kirov district of"Yaroslavl SU TFR in the " Yaroslavl region criminal case against former deputychief physician GOOSE "Regional Maternity Hospital." He is suspectedof having committed an offense under Part 2 of art 109 of the Criminal Code(causing death by negligence due to improper execution of his or herprofessional duties).
According to theinvestigation, on March 18, 2011 in hospital, "Regional MaternityHospital" was delivered 31-year-old woman complaining of abdominal pain.Deputy Chief of the medical work as an obstetrician-gynecologist examined thepatient, diagnosed a cyst of the left ovary, and then held an emergencyoperation. In this case, a preoperative examination and women took place,indications for emergency surgery were absent. In the evening, the patientscondition deteriorated, and then the doctor performed two more operations. Afew days later the patient died. According to the committee of experts, thedeath was a result of poor medical services.
Currently holds a forensicexamination in order to establish a causal link between the actions of doctorsto provide medical care and of consequences in the form of death of thepatient.
7. The first department to investigate criticalAffairs Investigation Department of the " Yaroslavl region TFR continuesinvestigation of criminal case on tax evasion by the management of a limitedliability company "Lotus-M". A criminal case was opened on thegrounds of an offense under subsection "b" of Part 2 of art 199 ofthe Criminal Code (evasion of taxes on a large scale).
As comp from the case, inthe period from January 2007 to December 2009, the management of a limitedliability company "Lotus-M" to evade taxes in the amount of 200million rubles to include tax returns for income tax, value added tax falseinformation about the size of the tax base, by not reflect all income derivedfrom business activities.
At present, the investigationcarried out forensic examination of the tax shall be made questioning, sets outspecific individuals involved in the crime. By the tax authorities to the LLC"Lotus-M" Sud for the amount of arrears (about 400 million). Insupport of the claim in the course of the preliminary investigation ZavolzhskyDistrict Court of " Yaroslavl the arrest of the real property of a commercialcompany for the amount claimed in the suit.
8. Investigation department of theKirov district of " Yaroslavl SU TFR in the " Yaroslavl region opened a criminalcase against 30-year-old local resident, suspected of committing state an offenseunder Part 2 of art 306 of the Criminal Code (misleading information about thecrime, coupled with the accusation of having committed a serious offense).
Accordingto the investigation, in January 2013 the suspect voluntarily engage in sexualcontact with two men, one of which is for a number of years was in aa relationship. Accidentally discovers that her friend had been with other womensuspected of wanting to take revenge on him, asked the law enforcement agencieswith a statement of gang rape. During the inspection, the investigativeagencies of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, wasestablished the falsity of the message, and in the case of men - made thethe decision not to open a criminal case in the absence of corpus crime.
Conductsinvestigations, we find out all the circumstances of the incident.
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