A trap for the thief.

Topic: PaletteInterviews, events and advertising
Author of publication: Viktoria Sotscova

Posted on: 30/04/2013 12:01

Trap to the thief

St. Petersburgthe company has successfully "tag" thieves, making chemical traps on thethe different tastes. Fishing take place on a "bait." This is thethe peculiarity of the national "quiet" hunting  the criminals.

Unheard of  the Museum of the French  the Louvre staged a strike  because of the ...pickpockets. Thieving so getintelligent people, that they ,not hoping for justice, decided to  the company to present a lesson. Instantly famousThe Louvre to the whole world as a haven of unpunished thieves, pickpockets.

In another time  thieves their hands cut off, burned  on the forehead of  the word «thief» or sent bystage of transportation.

how Many years orpassed, which would not have been technical progress, there is always someone who does not liveaccording to the commandments. If in the Soviet time was cultivated respect for the integrity, today, perhaps, as a side-effect of globalization, there is a new aspect of morality - involuntary admiration or even excuse crooks and thieves.

What to do? Myths aboutthe Supreme court is not embarrassed of modern the shameless thief. So  thisthe question is rather can be attributed to the category of rhetorical.  I should  more work hard law-enforcers andideologists moral componentof the state. If in the family of the issue ceased to pay attention to, the companythe obligation to condemn and punish thieves. In time made preventive«vaccination» , probably, will save the destiny of man, will not allow him againstumble. And here the matter is not even in the sudden awakening of conscience, and in fear,what comes out is low and vile side of the essence of which is the desire totake someone elses, unearned, profit, помародерствовать...

Big shopsare in constant war with the arrangement of shop thieves. Sometimes its hopelesshalf-starved old men, which was a new order to experience the stagnation,but  often young people, who are not considered to takesomeone elses something shameful, but rather fun. And, of course, professional thieves,unwilling to work in principle.

 Russian craftsmen to think of how to presentlessons ворью. Once such tricks used спецотделы to catch thethe hand of the bribe-taker. Now these спецштучки is available to all who cherish their ownproperty and dignity, because, to paraphrase a certain wisdom, who comes to us withthe sword, i.e.,  dirty intentions, the  and would pay for it in full.  so Yes, that is still not clean will be  a few days in the literal sense of the word. 

 so, the secrets of the "quiet hunt" for criminals

for Example, a bag withtricky stuff. Is she herself  a conspicuous place, there is a thief to get and open,  is activated siren as alarm incar and  two capsules with a dyesubstance  produce «volley», and  the thief already covered with спецсоставом «Font», whichdo not take off a few days. There is  the same stuffed purse. There are химловушки in the form of packs of medicines,box  with cartridges. If there is a loss inpharmacies or  in the place of storage of ammunition,you can catch a thief  the  bait - fires  painting tool «Carmine».  Or, lets say in the safe is Packed notes-«doll».As soon as it opened, a cotton,  paint flies in the face of a thief. There is such an option: diary with the built-in systemradio, attached is the receiver. Lets say that bait - this cellphone. It lies on the pad. Pick up from the diary of the phone and is activatedalarm system, which is transmitted to the receiver at a distance of up to 70 m. Convenient forthe capture of the office thief. There is even a половичек with special impregnation. Come out, for example, from the dacha of  house, bed Mat and all.  we are still Waiting...Let came uninvited guest,come on the Mat and all the shoes are soaked in composition with the rug. Finda thief with a dog law enforcement  notis  a lot of work. Moreover, asusually, often,  the  people from the village of  the marginalized. It is worth precinct, the practice ofthe statement, visit of such a contingent ofas the secret will be revealed. Incidentally, the use of such funds approved the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Probably,because thats great it easier for them to search for the perpetrators?

Such effective methods in the fight against theft,known since Soviet times, has the St.Petersburg company. Fantasythe customer on the theme of  in any subjectembed trap, is not limited. The product will quickly and in time.

 Fans her style of «struggle» with a crime in a social network «Schoolmates»organized group of « Workshop of Sherlock Holmes». There the Manager of the firm and onpart-time administrator of the group of  Vitaly Makarov (маб.т.921-964 -7036 and (812) 964-70-36)  explain all possibilities of traps.


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