Educational workshop on FLSheld in Moscow
Topic: Palette ⇒ Educational program about health and beauty
Author of publication: Russian Information Agency «National Alliance»
Posted on: 02/07/2019 10:36
Educational workshop on FLSheld in Moscow
Speakers from the Russian Association on Osteoporosis led interactive workshop to support implementation of new Fracture Liaison Services across the country.
On May 22, 2019 an educational workshop on the organization of the Fracture Liaison Services (FLS) was held in Moscow. The event, which encouraged interactive discussion, was organized with the aim of teaching doctors and health care organizers the basic principles and approaches to the implementation of these services. FLS are coordinated, multi-disciplinary models of care for secondary fracture prevention - ensuring that patients who have already sustained a fracture are appropriately followed up and treated to prevent further fractures.
The seminar was attended by 22 students from different regions of the country (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Krasnodar, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Tagil, Ulan-Ude, Kazan, Ufa, Krasnoyarsk, Izhevsk, Chelyabinsk, Kemerovo, Samara) who are involved in organizing or planning the opening of the FLS in their cities.
The lecturers included: Olga Lesnyak, PhD, Professor, President of the Russian Association on Osteoporosis (RAOP), Olga Ershova, PhD, Professor, Vice-President of RAOP, and Ksenia Belova, PhD, Head of the RAOP Working Group for the Implementation of FLS.
Several important topics were discussed at the seminar, including: why FLS are needed, how to develop a business plan, how to organize and maintain the service, and how to ensure its quality. Workshop participants developed plans to help organize and support the work of the FLS in their institutions. There were lively discussions of the most complex and topical issues related to the creation of FLS under the conditions of the Russian healthcare institutions. The workshop was held with the support of Amgen.
Currently 11 FLS in Russia are affiliated with the IOF Capture the Fracture network, of which the following six have been assessed according to the CTF Best Practice Framework: Russian Gerontology Clinical Research Center (Moscow), Regional Emergence Hospital n.a. N.V. Solovyev (Yaroslavl), BARSMED (Kazan), City Polyclinic of 25 Nevsky District (St. Petersburg), Federal Medical and Rehabilitation Center (Moscow), Clinical Medical Surgery Centre of the Omsk region (Omsk). IOF invites all new and existing FLS in the Russian Federation to join the Capture the Fracture network.
Russian Information Agency «National Alliance»
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