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Posted on: 06/03/2024 10:03
As part of the Year of the Family, the Osteoporosis Patients Society Osteorus in cooperation with the Russian Osteoporosis Association (RAOP) organizes educational campaigns among young people.

Posted on: 24/05/2014 13:22
20.05.2014 in the Yaroslavl Regional Public Organization "Society of Friendship " Russian - American Association " streaming report representatives of the official delegation visited the twin city of Burlington (the largest educational , commercial and cultural center of Vermont , USA) , which was held from 30.04.2014 to 06.05.2014g .

Posted on: 19/05/2014 09:20
Representatives of small and medium-sized businesses with active citizenship of St. Petersburg for two days ( May 3 and 4 ) came to Yaroslavl with great desire - to celebrate women bearers in the old city on the Volga . At the same time to meet with representatives of the Chamber of Crafts area with a wonderful touch of spiritual aura Vvedensky convent of Our Lady of Tolga .

Posted on: 01/03/2014 19:08
01.03.2014g . held training seminar on ethnic journalism.
Posted on: 25/02/2014 14:53
Found information on Yaroslavl who died in a concentration camp in France. Relatives and officials on duty obliged to deal with such issues , respond .

Posted on: 09/12/2013 11:30
09 .12.2013 city held a press conference the chairman of the election committee of the Yaroslavl region Oleg Kilipchenko . He told reporters on the outcome of elections to local municipal authorities , sostovshihsya 08.12.2013g .
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