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Editorial material Konstantinov Efremovich Gregory , MP of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR.

Posted on: 31/01/2014 11:38

Few who can witness the era , participating in the turning milestones of history. Konstantinov Efremovich Gregory was a member of such events : in 1990 - elected a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR on the first alternative elections . At the First Congress of People's Deputies - on the Committee on Women, Family Welfare , motherhood and childhood. In October 1992 - elected to the Council of Nationalities of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR , worked there before the tragic events of O

Editorial material Ogurtsova veteran regiment "Normandie -Niemen " Gold medal "Renaissance Francaise"

Posted on: 10/12/2013 14:13

12/10/13 . History Museum in the city of Yaroslavl ceremony awarding the Gold Medal "Renaissance Francaise" Valentin Ivanovich Ogurtsova veteran regiment Normandie-Niemen , Chevalier of the Order of the Legion of Honor .

Editorial material Lets create a brigade "Fidelity" in every region of Russia

Posted on: 18/10/2013 09:33

The issue of patriotic education of young people is part of the Russian national security strategy . Do they understand the seriousness of the situation at the state level as it is really necessary for the country? Do not substitute the concept in favor , as is common today to speak , the economic feasibility of market relations ? After all, capital is focused on the formation of recruits consumers business, he does not need identity, he seeks to unify society under globalization , which hails f

Editorial material Candidates in the Yaroslavl Oblast Duma removed due reference.

Posted on: 21/08/2013 19:19

21.08.2013g. held a press conference the head of the electoral commission Yaroslavl Denis Vasiliev. The main theme: the situation at the moment, review complaints and information on income and expenditure of election funds.

Editorial material Twenty parties participating in the elections to the Yaroslavl Oblast Duma.

Posted on: 07/08/2013 13:55

06.08.2013g. Denis Vasiliev, chairman of the election commission of the Yaroslavl region, told reporters that completed the registration procedure of the party lists of candidates in a single constituency.

Editorial material Vitaly Sokolov - ten years in the electoral system, Yaroslavl region

Posted on: 05/08/2013 20:05

This year marks the twentieth anniversary of Yaroslavl oblast election commission. Half of that period in its composition Vitaly Sokolov. His biography is different from the way of life of many Soviet people - the school, the Young Communist League, college, university, work.

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