Posted on: 09/12/2013 11:30
09 .12.2013 city held a press conference the chairman of the election committee of the Yaroslavl region Oleg Kilipchenko . He told reporters on the outcome of elections to local municipal authorities , sostovshihsya 08.12.2013g .
Posted on: 05/12/2013 15:24
20 years ago in a country with a tradition considered by the Russian way of honoring Seniors thesis " elders - honor ." Now the word " old " sounds like a death sentence . People become " invisible " - the state does not see , does not hear the interests of treats on leftovers , etc. And society rightly calls them "socially marginalized people ." Russian society is aging rapidly . And this is a worldwide trend . Whether the state is ready for such a situat
Posted on: 29/11/2013 09:51
29.11.2013 was held the conference "The Church and the State . Caring for the health and social service in modern society . " Organizers government Yaroslavl and Yaroslavl region metropolis.
Posted on: 24/11/2013 12:10
First National Assembly " HUS- 2024 " was held from 23/11/13 to 11/24/13 in Yaroslavl. The purpose of the event - to create a platform to discuss their problems and find solutions to attract investors in the housing sector , the search for possibilities of modernizing sector.
Posted on: 22/11/2013 19:39
From 21 to 22 November 2013. Yaroslavl forum was held "Business . Innovation. Education ". It was attended by theorists from the academic world , government officials , NGO representatives , experts and entrepreneurs. Big names were not. Representatives of the province were able to mingle and talk. Efficiency of such events usually has no practical significance . The main thing - to voice problems , talk about their experiences .
Posted on: 18/11/2013 12:49
November 18 , 2013 , State Duma deputy Mikhail Degtyarev at a press conference "Prospects for the ruble as a global reserve currency " in RIA "News" discussed with journalists and economists bill to ban the circulation and storage of dollars. Professionals come to speak : Pavel Medvedev , financial ombudsman , Lola Sanginova , Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Finance and Economics , Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Mikhail Belyaev , chief econ
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